Web developer

Welcome to the site, my name is Shawn. I hold a bachelor's degree in Web development, along with a Academy Profession Degree in Multimedia design. I made this site in order to be able to tell you a bit about myself, the current projects I may be working on and show you some of my creations. In the portfolio you will see a selection of the things that I have created in association with my education but also projects that has emerged from personal interest.
Understanding the inner workings of websites and how designs are put together are something that I find interesting. I have chosen to educate myself within web development since I would like to further develop my skills in programming languages and communication.
Fictional motorcycle modelled in Rhino 3D
This website was redeveloped for a company during an internship period
This website was created as a sparetime project
Camera lens animated in Maya


As you may have noticed I have many interests which points in slightly different directions. I have made 3D models and renderings out of sheer passion for a long time. It fascinates me that you can make a visual product with 3D software and creativity which can later be realized and manufactured in the real world, all created from an imaginary idea.
Over the past couple of years’ photography has become an interest for me and is something that I spend my spare time on. In addition to photography being interesting on in own, pictures and video are widely used within the digital world and often as a contributing factor in a good design or layout. Therefore knowledge of- and experience with photography is something that I feel can assist me in my creative expression.