Nature Strikes Back ENG

Character selection screen

Two different worlds with different characters

Nature Strikes Back is a small game that I developed together with four other students on the MMD study. In the game you play a penguin that has to find and collect a tool, before the level can be completed. There are two levels which increase in difficulty. The game is developed in Unity 3D LINK TO THE GAME

On the MMD study I was a part of the 3D electives, that ended with a finishing exam project. The assignment was “Create a pitch for a game concept”.

My group and I quickly determined that the central point should be climate change. Our target audience ended up being children 5 years old and up. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges today and in the future, so we wanted to introduce young people to the theme in a fun and entertaining way. The concept was clear, the game should be able to inform children and young people about a serious theme in a way kids can understand.

Character development

Character development

Regarding visual appearance and styling of the game we decided that the continuing design should be in the Kawaii style. Kawaii is a Japanese style that can be summed up as cute/lovable. The characteristics for the style is round shapes and bright colors.

We conceived two worlds and four characters as seen on the top picture. We only developed one world and one character since the circumstances for the assignment didn’t allow for more.

The game plot is that the world is threatened by global warming and the main character is the only one that can do anything about it. A big factory is in this case the villain that has to be defeated.


On each level there’s a tool that the penguin has to use in the very end of the game to defeat the factory, or rather, convert it to a eco friendly factory.


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